About Me

Welcome to my personal homepage! My name is Xiaoyang Xu (徐笑阳), an undergraduate student of School of the Gifted Young, University of Science and Technology of China, majoring in Computer Science. I am honored to have the opportunity to attend the Huaxia Computer Technology Talent Program.

I am eager to take part in undergraduate research opportunities to gain practical experience. I have a broad range of interests within mathematical problems in computer science, especially in the fields of mathematical optimizations, data structures, graph theory and analysis of algorithms.

Currently, I am working in Professor Heng Yang‘s group on a research project about exploiting Correlative Sparsity in Sum of Squares. In this project, we are working on some special SOS problems that are derived from optimal control problems, which are sparse in their nature. We also hope to develop some toolbox to contribute to the SOS community. My last project was about designing an innovative data structure to solve dynamic Optimal Transport problem with Professor Hu Ding and implementing a toolbox, which has been accepted for AAAI 2024.

I have a passion for competitive programming. I have won several prizes in competitions such as ICPC, which have helped me to develop my problem-solving and coding skills.