Xiaoyang Xu



Education and Training

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology

University of Science and Technology of China Sep 2020 - Current

GPA: 3.93/4.3
Rank: 16/271
Weighted Average: 91.23
Transcript: Download here

During the pursuit of my bachelor’s degree, I acquired expertise in the following areas:

  1. Algorithms such as Data Structures, Machine Learning, Data Analysis and Numerical Computing
  2. Mathematics such as Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Probability Theory, Linear Algebra, Number Theory, Calculus and Mathematical Logic
  3. Programming languages such as C, C++, Python, Matlab, x86 assembly and Verilog
  4. Computer system theories such as Compiler Principles, Computer Architectures and Operating Systems

Work Experience

Student Intern

Heng Yang @ Harvard 2023.08 - Current

This work is mainly about exploiting Correlative Sparsity in Sum of Squares problems derived from control theory. After the decision process is discretized, the constraints are only between status in adjacent time points, which makes this problem sparse in nature. We are developing theory and tools for this special sparsity.

Research Assistant

Hu Ding @ USTC 2021.08 - 2023.07

In this project, we designed and implemented a data dependent algorithm for discrete optimial transport. We focus on using simplex methods and attempt to use data structures to improve both the time upper bound and actual performance about augmenting. From this research, I have improved my programming skills increased my knowledge in combinatorial optimizations.

Teaching Assistant

Pan Peng @ USTC Feb 2023 - Jul 2023

As a teaching assistant for “Algorithms for Big Data,” I assisted in teaching a course that introduces new algorithmic techniques for handling big data, including topics such as random sampling, dimension reduction, data compression, distributed computing, streaming algorithms, clustering, classification, and stochastic optimization. The course also covers related theory and mathematics, such as probability foundations, VCdimension, communication complexity, and machine learning theory, and is designed to help students learn the basic theory and algorithms for handling big data problems. The class has a total enrollment of 131 students.

Conference and Seminars

Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Heidelberg Sep 23, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023

Algorithms & Complexity Seminar

Univeristy of Science and Technology of China Mar 2023 - Jun 2023

Participating in the Algorithms & Complexity Theory Seminar, led by Professor Shuai Shao as the instructor. Gaining insight into advanced algorithms and computational complexity and explored topics such as Turing machine, NP hardness and space complexity.

Language Skills

Chinese: Mothertongue

English: 107 in TOEFL iBT: Reading 27, Listening 29, Speaking 23, Writing 28

Honors and Awards

Silver Medal in the ICPC Asia Regional Contests - Received for 3 consecutive years (2022 Nanjing, 2021 Nanjing, 2021 Shanghai, 2020 Nanjing)

ICPC Foundation

Participated in the ICPC Asia Regional Contests, a prestigious competitive programming event organized by the ICPC Foundation. Competed against teams from universities across Asia, solving algorithmic problems using a programming language of choice.

Lanqiao Cup Awards

Lanqiao Cup Organizing Committee

Competed in the Lanqiao Cup, a renowned programming competition in China, focusing on individual coding skills. Got multiple awards:

  • 14th Edition: First Place in Python Programming (Anhui Province)
  • 13th Edition: First Prize in C/C++ Programming (Anhui Province) and Third Prize in National Finals

Bronze Award in the CCF Collegiate Computer System & Programming Contest - Received for 2 consecutive years (2022, 2021)

China Computer Federation

Participated in the CCF Collegiate Computer System & Programming Contest, a competitive programming event organized by the China Computer Federation (CCF). The contest focused on computer systems and programming, competing against individuals from universities across China.

First Prize in the 2021 Anhui Collegiate Programming Contest

Department of Education of Anhui Province

Achieved a first prize in the 2021 Anhui Collegiate Programming Contest, a preliminary round for the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC).

First Prize in the 13th National University Student Mathematics Competition (Non-math Major)

Chinese Mathematical Society

Participated in the 13th CMC, a prestigious mathematics competition, challenging students from universities nationwide in advanced mathematical problem-solving.

Bronze Medal for the 2021 China Collegiate Programming Contest, Weihai Site

Committee for CCPC

Participated and achieved a bronze medal in the 2021 China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) at the Weihai site, a highly competitive national programming competition for college students

1987 Alumni-funded Innovation Scholarship

School of the Gifted Young, University of Science and Technology of China Feb 2023

I received the 1987 Alumni-funded Innovation Scholarship, a recent award established by alumni from the Special Class for the Gifted Young and the Science Experimental Class. This prestigious scholarship provides financial support to 6 outstanding students each year from a pool of around 1400 candidates, with each recipient receiving a grant of CNY 9000.

University of Science and Technology of China - Optics Valley of China Scholarship

University of Science and Technology of China Dec 2022

The China Optics Valley Scholarship recognizes students who excel academically and show promise in innovation and entrepreneurship. The scholarship also prioritizes students who have achieved outstanding performance in national and university-level competitions and students who have actively participated in innovation and entrepreneurship projects and competitions. Each scholarship awardee will receive CNY 10,000. Award received, certificate pending.

Yang Yong-Man Scholarship

University of Science and Technology of China Jan 2022

Awarded CNY 5000 for outstanding academic performance, strong subject knowledge, innovative spirit, competitive awareness, and strong organizational and leadership skills. Additionally, priority was given to students who actively participate in collective activities, social practices, and social service activities.
